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"Took them to court and won."

A review of Merseyside Glass by Eric Smith written on Thursday 21st of July 2016


The company has relocated to Woolton Rd.

Had a very unsatisfactory job from them. They returned endlessly to attempt to fix it but couldn't.

Obtained a surveyors report which condemned the majority of the windows and doors

The company would not consider the report, so I took them to court.

I won over £10,000

The company which was actually called Sinemode Ltd., trading as Merseyside Glass, went into liquidation and escaped paying me

Under its trading name, Merseyside Glass, it continues to trade.

Until recently the company was still advertising on its website that it was registered with FENSA. It was not and FENSA has instructed it to remove the claim of membership from its website.

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Merseyside Glass

Map showing Merseyside Glass on Allerton Road